Friday 31 August 2012

PEOPLE: Mansa Musa

* Has been said to be the richest man who ever lived.
* Ruled the Mali Empire in Africa at the height of its fame when it was the cultural centre and commercial metropolis of western Africa.

Musa 1, usually called Mansa Musa (circa 1280 – circa 1337), was a ruler of Mali (1312-1337), whose wealth was legendary throughout the Middle East and Europe. A grandson or grandnephew of the warrior king Sundiata, who first established Mali as a major empire in the 13th century, Musa extended it still further and ruled it at the height of its extent and power.

Musa and his immense wealth would likely have been largely unknown if not for his famous pilgrimage to Mecca (1324-1325).

Musa’s entourage consisted of 60,000 men, in addition to 12,000 slaves, 500 of which marched before the Mansa dressed in silken robes and golden staffs. There were 80 camels in the train that are said to have carried anywhere from 50 to 300 pounds EACH of gold dust. This entire entourage could be valued today at more than US$400 billion; surpassing John D. Rockefeller's peak net worth ($340 billion) and securing Mansa Musa the top spot among the world's richest men who ever lived.
Musa spent so much gold, particularly in Egypt, that the price of the rare metal was devalued and caused the economy of that nation to be devastated for years. Mansa Musa was reportedly quite pious and very generous to the common people upon his Hajj, such that the citizens of Cairo, Mecca and Baghdad told tales of his visit for generations.

Power Summary
*Mansa means King of kings or Emperor.
*Mansa Musa is regarded as the richest man who ever lived as the amount of gold he carried with him on his pilgrimage to Mecca is valued at about US$400 billion.



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